Who We Donate to

One of the key ideas behind the tour is to give people in need the possibility to ride a bicycle. We came across an organization called Bicycles for Humanity (www.bicycles-for-humanity.org) that has successfully provided bikes for people in developing countries. The charity was created in 2005 and is present in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe (also in Germany: www.fahrraeder-fuer-afrika.de). Since its creation the institution has shipped more than 100,000 bikes to developing countries, and trained hundreds in how to manage the bike initiatives for the betterment of all in their community. The organization is  predominantly active in Africa (Namibia, Angola, South Africa and Uganda). It is impressive how much a bike can change the lives of the people living in these countries. Not only is the daily commute to get water shorter, but also there is easier and faster access to health care and education for children.

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